Wrinkles are an inevitable result of time. Genetics play a role in how early in life you begin to develop creases and lines, with some seeing the first signs in their late 20s.
What is the best way to reduce wrinkles?
The best way to smooth away wrinkles will be a procedure selected specifically for YOU. As a unique individual, you deserve a treatment that creates a rejuvenated look that appears completely natural, and not overdone. Our injectable treatments are performed with ultimate precision, with the ideal injectable for you and your skin.
The dermal filler injections we perform can smooth lines, creases and wrinkles on a range of facial areas, including:
- Frown lines
- Flattened cheeks
- Hollow temples
- Lines etched between sides of mouth and nose (nasolabial folds)
- Lines from the corners of the mouth onto the chin (marionette lines)
- Thinner, creased lips
- Vertical lines around the mouth (lipstick lines)
- Acne scars